Level 4: Visual Storytelling

Visual Storytelling

5.0 (12 reviews)

Learn how to put the story in your visual storytelling. Pro illustrator Lee White shares techniques for coming up with good concepts that actually tell a compelling story.

21 lessons
3.5 hours of video content
1 Videos
1 Download
Learn how to ramp up the emotion and meaning in your images

Visual Storytelling is an essential part of being an illustrator. Moving beyond artistic technique, this course deals with the fundamental issue of how to tell a story visually. Deciding WHAT to draw is oftentimes more important than HOW it’s drawn. This video comes with 5 different assignments that address concepts relating to visual storytelling. You will finish the course with many thumbnails that you can then take to finish and potentially add to your portfolio.

In this class you will learn:
The basics of one and two point perspective
How to draw clean, straight lines and smooth, even ellipses
Where to put the horizon line and vanishing points in your drawing
What an orthogonal is
What the cone of vision is, and how to avoid common mistakes in perspective drawing
How to use a square plane as a unit of measurement in one and two point perspective
How vanishing points expand and contract as an object is rotated in perspective
How to draw multiple objects with different vanishing points in the same drawing
The anatomy of an ellipse
How to find the major and minor axis in an ellipse

Course curriculum

About the Instructor

Instructor David.
David Hohn

David is an illustrator based in Portland Oregon. His days are spent in the studio imagining what it would be like to be someone else, doing something else – and then he paints it. Some of his clients include Scholastic, Random House, Electronic Arts and Nike.


5.0 (12 reviews)
Jeremy R.

Back to square one … but for a good reason!! David Hohn doesn't talk down to beginners. Instead, he helps pull them up! I enjoyed this course and learned some amazing things … especially how to correctly draw an ellipse and how to plot out a room for illustrating it. Thanks David!

Jeremy R.

Back to square one … but for a good reason!! David Hohn doesn't talk down to beginners. Instead, he helps pull them up! I enjoyed this course and learned some amazing things … especially how to correctly draw an ellipse and how to plot out a room for illustrating it. Thanks David!

Jeremy R.

Back to square one … but for a good reason!! David Hohn doesn't talk down to beginners. Instead, he helps pull them up! I enjoyed this course and learned some amazing things … especially how to correctly draw an ellipse and how to plot out a room for illustrating it. Thanks David!

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