What Has Failure Taught You?
Jul 16, 2024
Art by Analise Black
Join Jake Parker, Will Terry, and Anthony Wheeler for a laid-back chat about their latest projects, perspectives on risk and failure, business ideas, and more!
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- Being an entrepreneur means trying things. Some ideas will fail and some will take off, but you won’t know unless you try. Don’t let that hold you back; embrace the failures and learn from them.
- Success is coming if you keep learning, trying, and improving your work.
- Hobbyists can work for fun, but entrepreneurs must be more strategic.
- Think long-term. What could you sell today so you can afford to hire employees in the future? What could make you passive income? Invest in your business to increase your return over time.
- Don’t shoe-horn your ideas into a publisher’s vision; both ideas will be compromised in the process.
Whether it succeeds or fails, each project you launch is a stepping stone towards your next idea. Don’t bank so much on the success of one project that you don’t move on to the next one.
Do common things uncommonly well to set yourself apart.
Don’t force every idea to become a cash cow; leave some art just for yourself. You might still make money off of it, but don’t create it for that cause. Focus on the purity of the craft and let other endeavors (artistic or not) pay the bills.
Time spent perfecting your craft is not time wasted, and neither is time spent earning a living. Find the balance and appreciate both pursuits.
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