Maintaining Positive Momentum: Interview with Robb Mommaerts

Oct 8, 2024
Art by Analise Black
Robb Mommaerts joins Jake Parker and Anthony Wheeler to discuss his path from graphic design to illustration, how to stay interested in your work, what he’d do if he were starting over, and bonus Star Wars commentary. Tune in!
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  • Curate your site for art directors. Don’t include every piece of art you’ve ever made. Your portfolio should contain your best work and reflect the type of work you want to be hired for.
  • Do you burn out on long-term projects? Try this: Create a character you love to draw. Then, put him or her into situations you find interesting, whether it’s the Wild West or Mars. When you’re bored, keep the character but change the setting. This gives you endless story potential while allowing you to stay engaged and build a body of work with a consistent theme.
  • Create positive momentum with short but enjoyable projects. The more you love what you’re creating, the more motivated you’ll be to keep going. Start small and let your drive expand with time.
  • If you need direction in your illustration career, ask: “What could I be known for and enjoy making a lot of?”
  • Whether it succeeds or fails, each project you launch is a stepping stone towards your next idea. Don’t bank so much on the success of one project that you don’t move on to the next one.

  • Do common things uncommonly well to set yourself apart.

  • Don’t force every idea to become a cash cow; leave some art just for yourself. You might still make money off of it, but don’t create it for that cause. Focus on the purity of the craft and let other endeavors (artistic or not) pay the bills.

  • Time spent perfecting your craft is not time wasted, and neither is time spent earning a living. Find the balance and appreciate both pursuits.


Robb Mommaerts is a cartoonist and illustrator based in Wisconsin, USA. He grew up inspired by Jim Henson characters, political cartoons, and Star Wars and always knew he wanted to be an illustrator. Robb received his BFA with an emphasis in illustration and graphic design from UW Whitewater and worked in graphic design for fifteen years after college. During this time, he found an agent and eventually transitioned into full-time illustration.

Robb has illustrated comic books, children’s books, game art, and character design. His work features immaculate environment design, rich colors, and a blend of hand-drawn and digital art. His latest book, The Monstrous Adventures of Mummy Man & Waffles, written by Steve Behling, is now available.

Robb lives with his wife, two kids, and a dog.

Jake Parker: Instagram: @jakeparker, Youtube: JakeParker44
Will Terry: Instagram: @willterryart, Youtube: WillTerryArt
Daniel Tu:
Lily Camille Howell:
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Maintaining Positive Momentum: Interview with Robb Mommaerts

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