Two of our own make top honors in the SCBWI Portfolio Showcase

We are so proud of Li Xin and Lenny Wen for making top honors in the SCBWI Winter Conference Portfolio Showcase! They were selected from 600 entries worldwide🙌

Li was one of two grand prize winners, and received free admission to the next virtual event put on by SCBWI headquarters, plus meetings with three art directors. Wow!

You may recognize her work as a 3-time Critique Arena champion, and a multi-time runner up. We can’t wait to see where her illustration career takes her!

Lenny was one of four honorees, and received a meeting with an art director. Cool beans!

It’s been a while ago now, but Lenny won one of our monthly art contests back before it morphed into Critique Arena. We are so inspired by the work she has gone on to do!

If you haven’t heard of it, SCBWI stands for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and it is pretty much THE organization to belong to if you want to be a kidit writer or illustrator. There are chapters all over the world, and they regularly host all kinds of conferences, awards, grants, programs and events.

The Portfolio Showcase was part of the SCBWI Winter Conference, which aims to give an inside look at the children’s book publishing industry. It just wrapped up on February 21.

We recognized lots of familiar names out of the 600 participants in the Portfolio Showcase, and more than a few Critique Arena entries 😊 High fives for putting yourselves out there! Even if you didn’t win this time around, it’s still great practice for when you do 😉