Who will make the top 16?

Wow, we got another bumper crop of entries for the June art contest, a whopping 114 this time! A big thank you to all who submitted😊

The prompt for June was, well, a little too long to repeat verbatim here. But the gist of it was to illustrate one moment in a short story about a monkey and an alligator and their quest for food in the jungle. This was an exercise in what to leave OUT. How do you capture the heart of a story in a single scene?

Our contestants did not monkey around! Check out how they handled the prompt

Be sure to join us live to find out who made the final cut, hear our judges critique their work and cast your votes for the winning entries 🏆

This event is for members only, be sure to check your email for the event link! They will be going out this week.

The Details

What: Live critiques with the founders of SVSLearn

Date: Thursday, July 9

Time: 2pm MDT (check here for times outside the US)

Who: Members only

Where: Members will be emailed an event link to attend

If you aren’t already a member, now is a great time to join! You’ll get access to all our live events, 90+ on-demand illustration classes and an awesome community of artists✨

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