Jump into the studio with Lee White

Art by Lee White

Art by Lee White

Hi there! Just want to let you know about a live demo with Lee White this Thursday at 2PM MDT! 

Here's the plan: we'll be live streaming as Lee demos his process with a brand new illustration! 

Plus, you’ll be able to hang out with fellow drawers while maintaining a social distance. It’s a win win!

It's part of our new weekly live sessions, where we jump into the studio of our favorite illustrators. Every Thursday, we’ll hang out with a different illustrator for an hour or so, and learn whatever it is they want to teach us. 

We’ll stream it live on our Facebook, and also on Zoom. Anyone can watch on Facebook for free, but only members can join in on the chat on Zoom (don't worry, we have a free trial right now!).

Hope to see you there!

The Details

What: Live demo with Lee White

Date: April 16

Time: 2pm MDT (check here for times outside the US)

Who: Anyone can watch on our Facebook for free, but only members can join in on the chat on Zoom (don't worry, we have a free trial right now!)

Where: Facebook and Zoom (members will get an email with the Zoom link)

If you aren’t already a member, now is a great time to join! You’ll get access to all our live events, 90+ on-demand illustration classes and an awesome community of artists✨

Try it FREE for 30 days, and see what it’s all about!