How To Draw Everything, rebooted!

Image by Jake Parker.

Image by Jake Parker.

Back when SVS first got its start, this was one of the original classes that we rolled out (and by we, we mean Jake Parker 😀). It’s one of our most popular classes, but it’s been kicking around for a while now, and Jake thought it was time for a reboot.

Since producing the OG version, he's done a lot more teaching, and made a lot more art instructional videos. So he figured he could do a lot better at helping y'all learn how to draw EVERYTHING. This time around, he included more instruction, more exercises and more Skull Chaser!

So it's time to retire the OG version, and roll out the new and improved one! It's covered under the SVS subscription, which is just $14.99 a month or $149.99 a year.