Level 3: Environment Design

Advanced Perspective by David Hohn

Advanced Perspective with David Hohn takes students from a short review of one and two point perspective all the way to rendering advanced shapes and environments in three point perspective.

18 lessons
3.5 hours of video content
17 Videos
1 Download
Learn to draw the world the way we actually see it.

Advanced Perspective by Professional Illustrator and teacher David Hohn is a journey in understanding how to render a wide variety of perspectives. From simple explanations of one point and two point perspective all the way to rendering complex objects and environments in three point perspective, this class is sure to deepen your skill set.

If you've ever wondered how to draw a bedroom full of furniture and have it all make visual sense, it's in here. If you've ever been befuddled by MC Esher illustrations, David breaks all that down too. This class is the key to unlocking so many mysteries and by the end of it you'll have a great new perspective on drawing in perspective.

In this class you will learn:
How to use simple shapes as the groundwork for any object
How to draw those simple shapes in perspective
How those shapes can be used to construct a tree, car, or character and virtually anything
How the under-drawing is essential to drawing complex objects

Course curriculum

About the Instructor

Instructor David.
David Hohn

David is an illustrator based in Portland Oregon. His days are spent in the studio imagining what it would be like to be someone else, doing something else – and then he paints it. Some of his clients include Scholastic, Random House, Electronic Arts and Nike.

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