August Art Contest: Worst Fear

Image by Lee White.

Image by Lee White.

Ready for another challenge? This month the prompt is WORST FEAR. Note that it's not YOUR worst fear. This small but significant detail can allow you to put a character in the scene that might not necessarily be your worst fear, it can be theirs.

Have fun and let us know if you have any questions. : )

Here's the specs: NOTE: Please put your real name AND SVS forum name ON THE IMAGE. This saves us a lot of time in the end when trying to give credit. It also allows others to quickly see who did the work later if they grab your image for reference, etc.

One more important item: KEEP THE AUGUST ILLUSTRATION CONTEST THREAD FOR FINAL IMAGES ONLY. Create another thread for work in progress pics, sketches, etc. It gets too confusing if it's all shown in one thread.

-Post your final illustration in the SVS Forum, in the thread titled AUGUST ILLUSTRATION CONTEST (you will need to be logged into the forum to post your work)
-One entry per person
-File size no more than 1200 pixels on the longest side
-Don’t forget to include your name AND SVS name ON THE IMAGE so we can give you credit!
-Only submit if you are OK with us posting your image on social media
-Post by Aug 31 at midnight.

-1st place: free one month subscription or T-shirt (your choice)
-2nd runner up: free one month subscription (you get a refund for that month if you are already a subscriber)
-honorable mentions: the chance to bask in the limelight

May the odds be ever in your favor!