Seasons of Creativity with Samantha Cotterill

Art by Analise Black

Samantha Cotterill rejoins Jake Parker and Will Terry to discuss her new book, Look; seasons of productivity; defeating overwhelm; and several special offers just for our listeners! 


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Samantha Cotterill:
Look, illustrated by Samantha Cotterill
Preorder Look and then click HERE to receive a free bonus (while supplies last)! Password: svslearn
Episode 109: Samantha Cotterill - The Focused Illustrator


  • Comment on the YouTube video podcast before midnight on April 15th to enter to win one of Samantha’s handmade journals!

  • Focus more on the quality of your work than the quantity of time you spend working. Productivity is less about business and more about results.

  • Scared of starting a new project? Defeat overwhelm by starting with simple tasks. Nothing is scary if you break it down into 15-minute chunks!

  • Life comes in seasons, and sometimes you need to step away from traditional productivity in order to play, rest, and become inspired.


Samantha Cotterill is an award-winning children’s book author and illustrator. Rather than creating 2D illustrations, she creates intricate dioramas and photographs them for each spread. You can learn more about her process and background in her debut episode here.


Morgan asks, “Do you consider it lazy or cliche to use a book cover with text as part of the gag in an illustration?”

While this could be a workaround for a poorly designed illustration, a clever book title could also add to the plot. Play with clever ways to hint at what’s coming later in the story.

Anon asks, “My agent wants me to make graphic novels while I only want to make children’s books. I’ve told them I don’t want to do graphic novels but I feel they aren’t listening to me. What should I do?”

First, check your portfolio. If you’re getting lots of offers for a certain kind of work, it’s likely your style seems to suit that work. Consider how you could revamp your portfolio to attract more children’s book work.

Honesty with your agent is essential. Remember that they are incentivized to help you land deals and may have helpful insight into why certain projects seem like a good fit for you or how you could secure different types of work.

In the beginning of your career, there may be times when it’s wise to accept projects that aren’t your first pick. With the right attitude, you can turn these projects into growth experiences.


Jake Parker: Instagram: @jakeparker, Youtube: JakeParker44

Will Terry: Instagram: @willterryart, Youtube: WillTerryArt

Lee White: Instagram: @leewhiteillo 

Daniel Tu:

Lily Camille Howell:

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