The Year In Review

Art by Patricia Lamas

… And that’s a wrap! In this episode, Jake Parker, Lee White, and Will Terry review the lessons, highlights, and industry headlines that made 2022. They also share their goals for 2023. Don’t miss it!


Note: We’ve done our best to provide relevant links to products mentioned in this podcast. Qualifying purchases support SVSLearn and the 3 Point Perspective podcast. Thank you for your patronage!


Kepler's Intergalactic Guide to Spaceships by Jake Parker
Will Terry's Youtube channel
Drifting Moon Tarot by Lee White
Ep. 125: Will AI Art Kill Artist’s Careers?
Bottom of the Ninth app
“Thought of You” short film by Ryan Woodward


  • Build structures in your career that allow you to focus on your most fulfilling tasks. Outsource as much as possible so you have time to create and play.

  • Balance within your career is essential, but it can take time to understand your patterns and see where you could improve. Periodically evaluate what’s working and what’s not, and design a plan for greater balance moving forward.


This was a big year for Jake, Will, and Lee. From Kickstarter projects and Youtube channels to freelance work, book proposals, and online shops (not to mention personal lives and work for SVSLearn), there was a lot to juggle. One common takeaway the guys shared from this year was the need to create balance in work and life. Lee outsourced tasks that prevented him from doing the work he loves: creating art. Jake discovered he needed to refine his ratio of personal projects to client work. Will made time for his hobbies amid his work. Each has a picture of how they want to continue that balance in 2023.

On an industry level, AI art was the hot topic of the year. Many feared these technological advances marked the beginning of the end for career illustrators, while others felt frustrated by the rampant copyright infringement and lack of protection for artists. 

Three Point Perspective joined the conversation from the beginning. We don’t have a good answer for artist protection, but we have a lot to say about career preservation. Our opinion? The cream is in the coffee, and the technology will only get better from here. While this may pose a threat to certain illustrators (such as concept artists), AI won’t end the public’s thirst for art made by humans, with all the imperfections, character, and heart that entails. Additionally, AI art can only be as good as the human prompts behind it and the human distribution of it. If AI ever did overtake the field, we illustrators would find new ways to put our entrepreneurship skills and storytelling prowess to use. That day may or may not come, but in the meantime, we choose to control what we can: making very human art and using it to connect with others.

We grew a lot in 2022, and hopefully, you did too. Thanks for joining us this year in our explorations of illustration: how to do it, how to make a living at it, and how to make an impact in the world with our art. We hope this podcast has made an impact on you, and we’re excited to continue the conversation in 2023!


Jake Parker: Instagram: @jakeparker, Youtube: JakeParker44

Will Terry: Instagram: @willterryart, Youtube: WillTerryArt

Lee White: Instagram: @leewhiteillo 

Daniel Tu:

Lily Camille Howell:

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