School of Visual Storytelling

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July art contest

OK gang! Hope you are up for another challenge, because this one is a humdinger! The prompt for July comes to you from Jake Parker, here’s what he says:

“Design a book cover for The Wonderful Wizard of Oz:

You have been contacted by an art director and they are wanting YOU to design a new cover of an edition of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that they will be publishing.

You must make it eye catching and representative of the story. You have creative freedom in style, character design, scenery, and moment. 

The cover must be 5.4 inches wide x 8 inches tall with a .25 inch bleed.

Included is a template that you can use to create on. Feel free to use the title design on the template. Or you can come up with your own title design if you want.

That's it, good luck! Excited to see where you all take this!


If you would like to use the template, you can find it in this post. That’s also where you will post your final entry. Good luck everybody!


  • Draw something wonderful!

  • Post your final illustration on the SVSLearn Forum, in the competition thread titled: JULY CONTEST: Design a book cover for the Wizard of Oz. Be sure to keep this thread for final images only. If you want feedback on a WIP (that’s short for Work In Progress), create a new thread. Note: You will need to be logged in as a user on the Forum in order to post. If you don’t already have a user account, it’s free to create one 😀

  • Keep the file size to no more than 500 kb.

  • Don’t forget to include your name AND Forum name ON THE IMAGE so we can give you credit! And if you want us to tag you, include your handle too. This saves us a lot of time in the end when we are trying to give credit.

  • Only submit if you are OK with us posting your image on our social media and website for the whole world to see 🌎 And only submit if you are OK with receiving a critique from our judges during a live event, which will be recorded and added to our video subscription 🧐

  • No purchase necessary to enter.

  • One entry per person only, please!

  • Just to be clear, we do not own the rights to your work, you do!

  • Entries must be posted by July 31 at the stroke of midnight ⌛️


  • Winner 1: video crit, plus the chance to do a paid illustration gig

  • Winner 2: video crit, plus the chance to do a paid illustration gig

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