School of Visual Storytelling

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May Art Contest!

Art by Lee White!

You guys, it’s been so weird, right??

Just a couple months ago, we were busy making plans for Spring Break, and then suddenly, we were all on lockdown at home. And many of us still are. It’s something literally everyone has faced, in one way or another.

We are still in this mess, so maybe it’s too soon to take on this topic. But then again, maybe it could be cathartic too!

So the prompt for this month is: Isolation. This one is from Lee White!

Isolation can mean different things to different people. It could be scary and lonely, or comforting and peaceful. Considering the current state of the world, there’s plenty of material to mine.

What will you remember from the time of coronavirus?


  • Draw something awesome!

  • Post your final illustration on the SVSLearn Forum, in the competition thread titled: MAY CONTEST: ISOLATION Be sure to keep this thread for final images only. If you want feedback on a WIP (that’s short for Work In Progress), create a new thread. Note: You will need to be logged in as a user on the Forum in order to post. If you don’t already have a user account, it’s free to create one 😀

  • Keep the file size to no more than 500 kb.

  • Don’t forget to include your name AND Forum name ON THE IMAGE so we can give you credit! And if you want us to tag you, include your handle too. This saves us a lot of time in the end when we are trying to give credit.

  • Only submit if you are OK with us posting your image on our social media and website for the whole world to see 🌎 And only submit if you are OK with receiving a critique from our judges during a live event, which will be recorded and added to our video subscription 🧐

  • No purchase necessary to enter.

  • One entry per person only, please!

  • Just to be clear, we do not own the rights to your work, you do!

  • Entries must be posted by May 31 at the stroke of midnight ⌛️


  • Winner 1: video crit, plus the chance to do a paid illustration gig

  • Winner 2: video crit, plus the chance to do a paid illustration gig


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