School of Visual Storytelling

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Misunderstood monster….needs a hug. Art by Jake Parker!

It’s that special time of year when inky drawings are filling up our feeds, so we thought we would do something special with the monthly art contest to celebrate Inktober!

And what better way to celebrate than to get the creator of Inktober, Jake Parker, as our guest judge! (He’s also one of the founders of SVSLearn, so we kind of had the inside track 😉)

The prompt he chose for this month’s competition is MISUNDERSTOOD MONSTER. Bonus points if it’s in ink!


  • Draw something rad.

  • Post your final illustration on the SVS Forum, in the thread titled OCTOBER COMPETITION TOPIC: MISUNDERSTOOD MONSTER. Be sure to keep this thread for final images only. If you want feedback on a WIP (work in progress), create a new thread. It gets too confusing if it's all shown in one thread. Note: You will need to login into a Forum user account in order to post.

  • Keep the file size to no more than 500 kb.

  • Don’t forget to include your name AND SVS name ON THE IMAGE so we can give you credit! And if you want us to tag you, include your handle too. This saves us a lot of time in the end when we are trying to give credit. It also allows others to quickly see who did the work later if they grab your image for reference, etc.

  • Also, only submit if you are OK with us posting your image on social media.

  • Limit it to one entry per person.

  • Post by October 31 at the stroke of midnight!


  • 1st place: 3 months of subscription

  • 2nd runner up: 2 months of subscription

  • 3rd runner up (if there is one): 1 month of subscription

  • honorable mentions: the chance to bask in the limelight